Thursday, January 12, 2012

T.A.L.K.S. – A Valuable Investment

I am reading a wonderful book about money and children called, Yes You Can! Raise Financially Aware Kids, by Jack Jonathan. Below is an excerpt you parents and educators might find interesting. As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings about this topic!


Many parents agree that talking about money is easier than talking about sex with their kids. It just doesn't occur to parents to talk about money. We are too busy, we don't want to worry our kids, and we really don't know what to say or when to say it. The trick is to make it fun, energizing and interesting to discuss money with your kids. Your conversations can benefit them now and in the future.

The good news is that kids are curious about money. Wouldn't it be a great start to tell them what you're doing with your money?

Talk to your kids about money as early as possible. Even letting your children feel or pay for something with a dollar bill will help to give them the idea that those green things in their parent's wallets mean something.

Act casually. Money is just another conversational topic, such as sports, the weekly schedule or what's for dinner.

Leave money in its proper place. Don't let it dominate your value system.

Know your audience. Direct your conversation about money to each child's age and interest. Draw them into a talk about money in a way that is meaningful to them. Use stories from your own life.

Sprinkle questions throughout your conversation and listen carefully to the answers. Everyone loves attention. Your questions and attentive listening give your children a sense of acceptance and deepens your family bond.

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